What is it about Escambia County
voters? You vote to keep the beaches
public and out of the hands of corporate rule, and you vote “No” to offshore
drilling, but you still freely give your vote for the Congressman who
introduced the legislation to privatize Pensacola Beach, and who is clearly an
advocate for offshore drilling, who has even gone as far as attempting to
abolish the Environmental Protection Agency (E.P.A.). I’m speaking of Matt Gaetz, who by the way
didn’t sink a dime into winning your vote!
A pretty confident move if you ask me.
Although Congressional House
District 1 encompasses six Northwestern Florida counties, did you see any Gaetz
for Congress signs anywhere in Escambia County? Because I didn’t. I didn’t even see a television commercial for
Matt Gaetz. Although somewhat
refreshing to be spared from another political ad, I have to ask, “WTF?”
And if you haven’t noticed, in
addition to three area hospitals, there are quite a few dialysis centers
popping up all around the county. I found eight dialysis centers in Escambia
County alone, and that is not counting two of the area hospitals that provide
this service. You would think that
healthcare would be a priority among our community. But apparently not.
Republican, Matt Gaetz was running
against Democrat, Dr. Jennifer Zimmerman, who rallied for universal health care
for all. Gaetz on the other hand, is all
about abolishing the Affordable Care Act that protects those American’s who
have preexisting conditions. In other
words, one of the candidates wants to build and give, while the other wants to
destroy and take away.
Maybe Dr. Zimmerman should take a
hint from Matt Gaetz - next time run as a Republican. That
red label is apparently all that is needed to win the hearts and minds of
Escambia County. You don’t even have to
invest any money into being reelected.
Simply take a look at the election
results: https://enr.electionsfl.org/ESC/1953/Summary/ Not one Democrat was elected to office, by
Escambia County voters. Regardless of
how we all feel about the environment and our beaches, we contradict ourselves
by electing candidates like Gaetz and Red Tide Rick.
Not only did Rick Scott pave the
way for a pipeline to be laid across Florida wetlands, he profited from it too![1] And let’s not forget the largest Medicare
Fraud in history in which Scott pled the fifth 75 times, meaning he refused to
answer questions for fear of criminating himself; he profited from that as
well. [2]
Rick Scott has NEVER had an
approval rating over 50% the entire time he has been Governor of Florida. In May
2011, 57% of registered voters were unhappy with Scott’s performance, while
only 29% of voters said they approve of Scott’s job performance. Still, Rick
Scott was re-elected as governor.[3]
And more recently, according to
Morning Consult, Rick Scott comes in second as the least popular governor in
2018. Yet, Red Tide Rick is contending
for a Senate seat, “with 27% net approval,” and he may have won, pending a
recount of close race. Again I have to
ask, “WTF?”[4]
Morning Consult also polled
registered voters in regards to Senator Bill Nelson; 51% approved his job
performance, while 29% did not.[5]
Still, according to Escambia County
voters – Republican, Rick Scott was a far better choice. Scott walked away with 59% of the vote over Senator
Bill Nelson, who happens to be a Democrat.
So I ask, why would you vote for
someone who does not support your interest?
Clearly that is the case for Escambia County. If we took away the colors, red and blue, and
stopped with the labels (Democrats/Republicans), would Gaetz and Scott still
have a chance in hell of winning? I
think not.
Otherwise, why vote to protect the
beaches from corporate rule or another Deep Water Horizon Disaster and then
turn around and elect those who wish to do just that? Isn’t that kind of like chasing your tail?
Please feel free to leave comments & explain this to me.