Pensacola Crude

Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Power of Thought On Water

A Japanese entrepreneur named Masaru Emoto conducted experiments and published six books from 1999 through 2007 that claims the human consciousness has an effect on the molecular structure of water. Water being the most receptive of the four elements, Emoto researched his theory by taping words to the glass containers. For example, he would tape the word “Love” to a glass bottle of water, and then freeze it. He would then tape the word “Hate” to a glass bottle and freeze it. Then Emoto would compared the crystal structures. The crystal that was labeled with the word love, responded white, shinny and pretty. But the crystal labeled with the word hate, responded yellow-brown in appearance and rather deformed. Emoto also analyzed water that was exposed to music and prayer.  He took water from Fujiwara Dam, in Japan, which appeared brown and pretty much shapeless when frozen. He then had a Buddhist Monk pray over the same water. When crystalized it was white and looked like a perfect snow flake.

Considering the human body is 70% - 90% water, Emoto’s experiments prove that what we say and think has a profound effect on ourselves physically, as well as on our environment. This also indicates that there is a possibility that we as a collective could “think” a polluted body of water clean again. It’s said that this has been done in Japan. Three hundred people led by a Buddhist Monk gathered around a polluted stream and focused on the water healing for an hour. Fifteen minutes after the meditation, the water became visibly clearer.

There are many who challenge Emoto’s theory’s, just as there are many who challenge us along the Gulf Coast. This is my home, and I refuse to be a victim. Please, when you are at the beach doing whatever, put a little water in a glass container and take it home with you. Talk to it. Tell the water you love it. Sit it by a pretty picture. Pray over it, sing to it daily. Then the next time you go to the beach or wherever you got your water, take it with you and pour it back to where it came from and let the healing begin.
Instead of spending hours on the computer, take some time out of your day and meditate on the Gulf. Feel and love with your heart; heal her. Bring the bad parts back to life. Because the power of thought is everything. As she heals, you will heal too.

You can view Emoto’s Diary Archive at:

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